HHello, everyone. I’m Brian Youm, aka The Template, and I competed in Worlds Day 1~Day 2 in Seniors division and got Top 32. Today, I’ll be writing a report about the event that happened. So Let’s get right into It.
I used the same X-Ray Team both Day 1 and Day 2, and I honestly think X-Ray was the call for worlds for both division since nobody was prepared for it in seniors division and most of my losses were due to RNG or Mispredictions in my part. This is the team which @MG_ModernGamer suggested me to use and I did. So now, let’s get right into the statistics.
Item:Assault Vest
Ability:Air Lock->Delta Stream
EVs:164 Hp 12 Attack 4 Def 76 Sp.D 252 Speed
-Dragon Ascent
-Extreme Speed
-Aqua Tail
This is no ordinary Rayquaza, as you can already see by the EV Spread. This is a bulky Rayquaza that can eat up a +2 Timid Xerneas Dazzling Gleam and strike back with a Dragon Ascent which still does a lot of damage to anything. It has Aqua Tail to obliterate Groudons since they can be quite a threat to Xerneas, and also tank any physical attack from others. It speed ties with Mega Kangaskhan and Salamence before it megas, and It also outspeeds Xerneas and Yveltal since it reaches the base 100 speed tier.
+2 252 SpA Fairy Aura Xerneas Dazzling Gleam vs. 164 HP / 76 SpD Assault Vest Mega Rayquaza: 168-200 (83.5 - 99.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
12+ Atk Mega Rayquaza Aqua Tail vs. 12 HP / 4 Def Primal Groudon: 168-200 (94.9 - 112.9%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO
Item:Power Herb
Ability:Fairy Aura
EVs:36 Hp 156 Def 60 Sp.A 4 Sp.D 252 Speed
-Dazzling Gleam
Of course, the sweet old Xerneas. The reason I went for Speed instead of power was because I didn’t want to risk any speed ties. This Xerneas spread, while it has decent bulk and power, is faster then normal Xerneas which goes up to 140 speed to outspeed max speed Smeargle by one point and still do a chunk of damage on anything. It makes 196+ Attack Groudon Precipice Blades almost a guaranteed 3HKO, and Moonblast if at +2 mostly Guarantees 2HKO on bulky Groudon made to live earth powers from other Groudons, while still resisted. Going for bulk and speed instead of power helped me out a lot at Worlds day 1 and 2, I am glad I went this this spread.
Item:Life Orb
EVs:252 Hp 236 Attack 20 Def
-Fake out
-Knock Off
-Low Kick
-Quick Guard
This Pokemon was basically the reason I loved this team, Scrafty. This thing is the ultimate support pokemon that basically did the most of dirty work handling with Double Primals and Dialga teams. It handles Bronzong, Dialga, Primals, and any Prankster pokemons quite efficiently. It does a LOT of damage to Bronzong where Xerneas or any pokemon can finish it off with a weak attack, and does a lot to Kyogre and decent chunk to Groudon, and it’s quick guard helped a lot against Thundurus and Talonflames, and the Intimidate came through making Physical attacks basically useless against Xerneas.
236+ Atk Life Orb Scrafty Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 124 Def Bronzong: 148-174 (85 - 100%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO
236+ Atk Life Orb Scrafty Low Kick (120 BP) vs. 252 HP / 220 Def Primal Kyogre: 99-117 (47.8 - 56.5%) -- 80.9% chance to 2HK
-1 196+ Atk Primal Groudon Precipice Blades vs. 36 HP / 156 Def Xerneas: 61-73 (29.6 - 35.4%) -- 27.8% chance to 3HKO
My Trap Card(Amoonguss)
Item:Red Card
Ability:Effect Spore
Evs:236 Hp 132 Def 4 Sp.A 132 Sp.D 4 Speed
-Clear Smog
-Rage Powder
Oh boy, here comes that annoying Mushroom that counters Trick Room. This thing is such a Trick Room counter and such a good redirector, It’s the true bulk monster.
I’m upset that I couldn’t use it more because I was being dumb at Day 2, but if Air lock is up it’s spread makes it live a fire punch from a 252 attack Adamant Groudon.
252+ Atk Primal Groudon Fire Punch vs. 236 HP / 132+ Def Amoonguss: 186-218 (84.9 - 99.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+2 252 SpA Fairy Aura Xerneas Moonblast vs. 236 HP / 132 SpD Amoonguss: 111-132 (50.6 - 60.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Demon’s Magic(Smeargle)
Item:Focus Sash
EVs:4Hp 252 Def 252 Speed
-Dark Void
-Spiky Shield
-Crafty Shield
-Follow Me
Oh here it comes, everyone’s favorite moody doggo. I’m actually impressed of how many attacks this thing dodged and dark voided and landed both back, including an opposing Smeargle’s Dark void. This thing is frail at it is but sash supports it and nice redirections just in case Amoonguss is not good in this situation, but bringing both is pretty nice too.
Crafty Shields for obvious reasons of blocking any non-attacking status moves, and etc.
It lives a Kang P-U-P at least.
252 Atk Parental Bond Mega Kangaskhan Power-Up Punch vs. 4 HP / 252 Def Smeargle: 108-130 (82.4 - 99.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
TYM Magic(Thundurus)
Item:Sitrus Berry
Evs:220 Hp 56 Def 60 Sp.d 252 Speed
-Thunder Wave
-Hidden Power(Water)
This troll of a pokemon was a one-time-use, since It was kinda useless almost all the time until you face Double Primal or you paralyze and hax anything out.
It lives a -1 Weavile Icicle Crash, and Hp water does over half to Groudons, and It’s pretty bulky with the sitrus and intimidate support.
-1 252 Atk Weavile Icicle Crash vs. 220 HP / 56 Def Thundurus: 114-134 (62.6 - 73.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Sitrus Berry recovery
0 SpA Thundurus Hidden Power Water vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Primal Groudon: 120-144 (68.5 - 82.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Starting off by Day 1……
R1:Kota Yamamoto-JPN
Started off with a clean Big 6 matchup, It was pretty much a clean sweep with Xerneas.
His Xerneas was slower then my smeargle, and his Smeargle didn’t have Dark void.
Simple Smeargle Xerneas lead tore through his team that easily.
R2:Jared ???-US
This battle was pure dumb, He Trick Roomed with his Bronzong and paralyzed everything while he set TRICK ROOM UP. It helped me out because my Rayquaza basically overheated and killed the mawile G1 and it was pretty much over. G2, Amoonguss came in and we started the prediction game, which Amoonguss spored his Kyogre and ended up getting 3 turns sleep which pretty much resulted the GG.
R3:Dong Ju Kim(?)-KOR
Smeargle Xern lead, Geomancy up, then Amoonguss comes in. We pretty much did the same thing over and he just had to forfeit twice to Amoonguss since it countered both his Trick Room mode, which was his only chance to win.
R4:Kylie Chua-US
I had no words, She outpredicted the hell out of me, and the people watching me just pressured me out. All games were freaking phenomenal, it was the most haxless and fun game I had ever played!
R5:Michael Spinetta-McCarthy-US
His team was actually a big threat to my team. We both pulled that battle out as best as we can, and he choked the last game. My spread of not having enough Sp.A to ohko his M-Sally with Dazzling Gleam helped me out a ton, he pulled out good plays but choked by not doubling into Xerneas since he thought I was a 4Hp Xerneas, he didn’t Day 2 but they were some phenomenal Games! Thank you for the set!
So, I advanced to Day 2, I was so happy. I planned to change the team but I got a heartburn overnight so I couldn’t do anything, So I just went with it and did my best!
The Frustrating Day 2…
He read me like a book, I never saw such predictions my whole life. He had some weird techs like Transform Fake out Smeargle, T-wave Groudon, and etc. I was fasinated by his plays, What they said about Japan was actually true all along.
R2:Jong Ha Park(?)-KOR
This team was actually INCREDIBLE. It countered my team really well with the Amoonguss Mawile lead, I freaking loved that team. They read me and played with their advantage so well I couldn’t do anything about it. I was actually surprised of how good Korean VGC players were, I underestimated them a lot.
R3:Fergus Costard-UK
Double-Primal match was pretty Top, but I was so upset about having to face one of my good friends-Fergus Costard. He choked by clicking double protect in front of smeargle, which basically resulted in me winning G1. G2, I choked by not clicking DV thinking he was lum berry Cresselia, but however Rayquaza came through and didn’t get paralyzed in any important moments. I’m sorry, and GG!
R4:Reese Shohet-US
I had the upper hand at team matchups, but G1 I underestimated Scarf Kyogre’s Power. I lead wrong, so I fixed it up. Ray Scrafty lead literally countered his Raichu Kyogre lead, resulting into a win of Ray basically spamming dragon ascent and doing a chunk until Xerneas comes in and sets up. I was really upset about this match since I had to eliminate one of my good friends.
R5:Carlos Saez-SPA
Big B, which I had the upper hand on. He didn’t have Gravity on his Bronzong which resulted in his loss, and he tilted a lot after he protected his don expecting my Ray to wake up T2 and Aqua Tail his Groudon, however it didn’t matter because I attacked into Smeargle anyway prediction follow me or Wide Guard, so he tilted into G2 and basically gave me a Free win.
R6:Joon Gyu-KOR
The horrible matchup and the RNG got me, My Amoonguss ended up flinching by a fire fang while my win condition was there, and my Rayquaza got frozen by a Ice Beam G3 which resulted my loss. I was extremely upset about it, but oh well. What can I do.
GGs to him!
R7:Ed Leong-HK
He ran Yuudachi 6 pretty much. He ran Roar Groudon, bulky Xerneas, and Scarfed Smeargle. He missed a DV T1 G2 which resulted into his loss, so I ended up going 4-3 due to RNG.
I would like to thank everyone looking into this report, and I would espacially like to thank
@MeninoJardim for crushing me with a hug and a greeting-
@VelocityVGC for being such a great friend motivating me to day 2 and made me try harder-
@Kirito11 and @Cheesecake44 for believing in me which made me play better and also hanging out with me-
@HungrySpheal and @Feath809 for hanging out with me and being such cool friends
@MG_ModernGamer for suggesting me this team, I really loved it!-
@ZubatFTW, @Nightlight26_, @PikaPip1010, @MegaChar10, @GymNMons, @Dullace24, @Mudhiman4Worlds, @MudhimanVGC, and everyone else for hanging out with me and giving me the time of my life!
Most of all, I thank my mother and my grandparents for letting me have to trip of my life! Everyone, Thank you. Let’s meet next year and have more fun! I love you all with all my heart!